Bart Prater
Owner, Operator, Technician
Bart lives right here in Medina, with his wife, Emily, and their two kids, Ansley and Aiden.
Bart was employed by an independent shop for five years early in his career. For the next ten years, he worked for Chrysler and General Motors. During that time, he worked to earn certifications from ASE, Chrysler, and General Motors.
While working at the larger shops and companies, one thing he wished he could change was the quality of service on the vehicles and care to the customers that came in. Through watching and experiencing how these businesses were ran, Bart learned and began thinking about how he would want to run his own business.
Bart decided to take a chance and open his own shop in Downtown Medina. He knew the area was in need of an automotive repair shop that could offer general maintenance, service, diagnostic, and engine repair. He keeps his prices lower than the other shops while having the same experience and knowledge as the larger shops.
Bart cares about every customer that calls and comes in. Whether it is for a tire change, or a major engine repair. He wants to make sure they are safe, happy, taken care of, and would come back if they ever needed.
He runs his business with great customer service, integrity, and quality of work in mind.
While running the business and having a family at home, Bart makes time to coach for the Medina 8U Softball League, and has done for 4 seasons now. He enjoys being able to teach kids about teamwork and how practice and hard work can pay off.
Bart was featured in a blog for Movers and Shakers in Gibson County by Brandy Kemp with Brandy Kemp Photography, to read more about him, go check it out!

Emily Prater
Social Media, Design, Advertising